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Hundreds of women gathered Sunday December 27th to support Anjanette Young. THE OBVIOUS on the Anjanette Young case is not a matter of why, it's a matter of continuation. How do officers keep getting it wrong continually. The very thing done to Anjanette two years ago, happened to Brianna Taylor, only Briana isn't here to tell her side of the story.

My why is that of training. Why do you need training to police people of color and not people that look like the majority of Chicago's Police Department? Police don't need training, they need to admit that they have a fear of Black People and a lack of respect for Black Women.

Question: If there were 10 Black Officer's that botched a raid and a White Woman stood for two minutes uncovered, and another twenty minutes naked, how do you think the public would react to those officers? Would they have gotten desk duty. Literally getting paid when we have seen what happened on the video. Would there be a need for Reverend Jesse Jackson, Congressman Bobby Rush, and Unity Partnership's Regina Brent? Is common sense not so common? As I recorded this event I realized people want true justice this time. Not cover-ups and hand-me-down truths regarding the issue at hand.

We stand with you Ms Anjanette Young. Say Her Name: #ANJANETTEYOUNG

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